Sanofi (SNY) Announces Partnership – $500 Million Upfront, plus $700 million in Milestones with NovaVax (NVAX). And some investors say Covid is gone – oh Pshaw with them!
Novavax reported revenue for the first quarter of $93.9 million, shy of the $101.3 million analysts expected, according to estimates compiled by Visible Alpha. Novavax posted a loss of $147.6 million, or $1.05 per share, wider than the loss of $127.4 million, or 90 cents per share, that analysts projected.
Then out of the blue and some might say to ‘save the day.’
Novavax Shares Surge After $1.4 Billion Covid Shot Deal With Sanofi
Includes $200 million for ‘any other’ vaccines NovaVax may come up with.
From the archives: Up 2,950% is Novavax (NVAX) Still a Buy?
We added it to watch list @$7.80 on January 27th of 2020. Too bad we missed this run-up (maybe).


(AKA: Can lightning strike twice)

Shameless plug on GeoVax (GOVX):
Could GeoVax report some expected, near expected or out of the blue unexpected ‘encouraging’ news? Read our report for details. Headlines could related to Gedeptin, EmVeeAye (MVA Covid vaccine), Project NextGen or further progress with the ABL, ProBiogen vaccine manufacturing system.
READ REPORT: Killer, 44-Page Report on our client GeoVax (GOVX).
Oh and before we forget, GeoVax has a market cap under $5 million. Not a misprint.

Please read report for disclaimer and disclosure details.