1. Yep, We Are Absolutely Amazed At The Biotech Stock Review’s 2020 Watch List Performance – Especially In The Light Of – Well Everything. Our First Double, Immunomedics (IMMU) Up 125%.
2. And We’re Absolutely Stunned At the Corona Mania Picks in the Superbug Stock Review, With Four Companies Gaining Over 1000%.

‘2020 Biotech Stocks We Expect to Double’ Watch List
In the chart below, you should see the stocks we added to the “Biotech 5 Pack – 5 Biotech Stocks We Expect to Double in 2020″ in January., were already up an average of 304%, from where we originally found them.
Despite the Pandemic, they powered ahead an additional 55% with our first double being from Immunmedics (IMMU), which now sports a market valuation of $10 billion, up from $280 million when we first found it. Wait, what?
These gross dollar numbers and percentage gains are so large, they lose meaning. Like a $3 trillion stimulus package. The only thing people can relate to is the number three. Three is less than four but more than two, we get that. Trillion? What is that?

Our latest (and final) addition to this Watch List is American BriVision (ABVC). Final because we now have a six-pack! We’ll keep adding new names to share to our ‘general’ Watch List, but this one is now closed. It will be amazing to see where these six names are in three years.
Read this: Adding American BriVision (ABVC) $3.30 to Stocks We Expect Double List. $7.00 Price Potential.

Corona Mania Picks in the SuperBug Stock Review…
AVERAGE GAIN List One, 478%
AVERAGE GAIN List Two, 361%
Now, this is a mania like we’ve NEVER seen. And we play all manias. We’ve yet to find a Tulip we didn’t like and this is evolving into one of the finest tulips ever..
There are so many names here, we’ll just list name, symbol, and peak gain. This is not for widows, orphans, or even experienced speculators. Nothing with regard to traditional fundamental, nor technical analysis applies here. This is the land of the Cyborg Trader who can be in and out of their position, 10 times in a single day.
The Cyborgs are also corraling in the shares of many established (respectable?) companies into Cyborg world, and all investors will have to learn how to deal with this new force on Wall Street.
In the old days, if you found something you liked (say at $5) and you had a personal one-year target of $10, you might be patient and get excited over a $0.50 move. Now you have to be prepared for it to trade past your $10 target (that you spent hours crafting) and see it jump to $27, while you were out to lunch. This is a new world and don’t let it make you feel like your a genius, that’s how you get in trouble. But learn how to deal with it.
If you want to keep abreast of our latest finds, bookmark Superbug Stock Review news and visit often (or occasionally). “If Wall Street’s Funded Biotechs Are Trying to Kill What Wants to Kill Us, We’ll Follow It.”
We’ll be coming out with a master list called the 2020 Corona Virus Investor’s Guide – hopefully, shorty – but the list is damn big we are trying to filter it down, to avoid the scammers and scallywags lol.
Superbug Watch List (January 27th) to Peak Gain
Aethlon Medical, Inc. (NASDAQ: AEMD) $2.40 to $6.89 up 187%
Alpha Pro Tech, Ltd. (NYSE: APT) $6 to $41 up 650%
AstraZeneca plc (NYSE: AZN) $49 to $65 up 32%
BioCryst Pharmaceuticals, Inc.’s (NASDAQ: BCRX) $2.80 to $6.29 up 124%
Cerus Corporation (NASDAQ: CERS) $4.50 to $6.90 up 53%
Cleveland BioLabs, Inc. (NASDAQ: CBLI) $1.32 to $5.00 up 278%
Co-Diagnostics Inc (NASDAQ: CODX) $1.88 to $29 up 1,511%
Lakeland Industries, Inc. (NASDAQ: LAKE) $1.75 to $28 up 104%
Inovio Pharmaceuticals Inc (NASDAQ: INO) $4.24 to $33 up 701%
Moderna Inc (NASDAQ: MRNA) $21 to $95 up 352%
NanoViricides Inc (NYSE: NNVC) $8.50 to $19.20 up 123%
Novavax, Inc. (NASDAQ: NVAX) $7.80 to $151 up 1,835%
Vir Biotechnology Inc (NASDAQ: VIR) $19.95 to $75 up 275%
Average gain, up 478%, As they say, you can’t make this sh*t up! It’s insane.
List Two: Additions to Superbug WatchList
Athersys (NASDAQ: ATHX) $1.85 to $4.38 up 136%
Citius Pharma (NASDAQ: CTXR) $1.02 to $1.47 up 44%
Corbis (NASDAQ: CRBP) $5.55 to $8.78 up 58%
Dyadic (NASDAQ: DYAI) $5.91 to $10.98 up 85%
iBio (AMEX: IBIO) $2.27 to $7.45 up 228%
Immuron (NASDAQ: IMRN) $2.57 to $28.99 up 1,028%
One Main (NASDAQ: ONEM) $28.50 to $44.80 up 57%
Organicell (PINK: BPSR) $0.02 to $.29 up 1,350%
Mitesco (OTC: MITI) $0.02 to $0.08 up 300%
Todos Medical (OTC: TOMDF) $0.03 to 0.13 up 333%
Average gain, up 361% – most compressed within 2-3 month period. This is actually the complete list with the biggest loser up 32% at it’s peak. What the.
ATHX: Let’s be ‘Corona Clever’ and Catch one Before the POP. Athersys (ATHX) $1.85
CTXR: Citius Pharma (CTXR) Now Our #1 Ranked Idea for 2020.
CRBP: Adding Corbis Pharma (CRBP) $5.55 to Watch List.
DYAI: Added to Watch List $1.32, Dyadic Inc (DYAI) Announces $5 Million Stock Buyback
IBIO: Adding iBIO (IBIO) $2.27 to CoronaVirus Watch List.
IMRN: Adding Immuron (IMRN) $2.57 to Superbug Watchlist.
ONEM: Biotech Stock Review Adds One Medical (ONEM) $28.50 to Watchlist.
BPSR: Adding Organicell (BPSR) $0.02 to the Watch List.
MITI (old TNTY): Initiating Coverage on Mitesco (True Nature Holdings – TNTY) $0.02. Adding to Watch List.
TOMDF: Adding Todos Medical (TODMF) $0.03 to SuperBug Stock Review Watchlist.
(Note, some companies (CTXR – treatment, DYAI – drug formulation, MITI – Telehealth) added Corona related treatments, services, etc., after we earlier added them to the Watch List. Further, while an investor may have been able to buy at Watch List addition price, share price volatility makes it virtually impossible to sell at or near peak pricing. Oh and of course past performance is zero indication of future performance.)
(Client or significant position relationship: ABVC, CTXR, DYAI, IMMU, MITI.)