Marin Software Incorporated (MRIN) | Screaming Up 675% in a Week

Impressive. Last week, Marin announced the plans to add Instacart management to its flagship platform known as MarinOne. Instacart is an online grocery platform that delivers groceries and other items from nearly 55,000 stores located in the U.S. and Canada. Marin said the added ability to its platform will help advertisers better optimize the some $40 billion they spend in digital advertising geared to target consumers to buy goods and services that complement what they are already looking to purchase. Read more.
BSQUARE Corporation (BSQR) | Hidden Rumors of Short Squeeze

134 million shares traded and we KNOW NOTHING! Simply amazing and once again, we feel like a dinosaur. Read more.
Auddia Inc. (AUUD) | Game Changing Product Advancement, Up 148% for the Week.

Auddia Chief Executive Officer Michael Lawless commented, “While our initial AI engine produced suitable results, this major advancement in technical capability is a game changer for the company. We always had a sense that a significant leap forward was on the horizon, so we are pleased to achieve this major milestone now, as we launch our first commercial consumer facing trials and anticipate a rapid increase in radio station deployments. Well alrighty then, with an $84 market cap, we’ll have to look into this one. Read more.
Cerevel Therapeutics Holdings, Inc. (CERE) | List Off Ahead of News?

Strange how this gapped up way ahead of the official news release. Hmm.
Anyway, today news of VERY early results (1B) from their Schizophrenia trial. Company stated, “Importantly, both the 30 mg once-daily and the 20 mg twice-daily doses demonstrated clinically meaningful antipsychotic activity with an overall well-tolerated profile compared with placebo.” Other adjectives include, “..potential to be a first-in-class.. we are extremely encouraged.. novel approaches for treating schizophrenia have been challenging to identify for decades.. potential to be a truly transformative therapy in schizophrenia.”
We love these guys use of freedom of speech. A lesson to be learned? Maybe not such a good idea in Phase I.. but we’ll see! We’re just jealous. Read more.
IKONICS Corporation (IKNX) | 65 Year Old Company Finds Bitcoin Love.

After 65 years in business and trading sideways since 1997 (omg lol), Ikonix finally shoots and scores with a Merger With Bitcoin Miner TeraWulf (TBA announced symbol WULF). Interesting to see how this plays out. Looks like a reverse merger.
Ikonics investors will receive $5 in cash and one share of the new entity for every share they hold, coming to hold 2% stake in the combined company’s common stock once the deal is complete. TeraWulf will provide domestically produced bitcoin powered by more than 90% zero-carbon energy with a goal of utilizing 100% zero-carbon energy. We are a bit math challenged but that sounds like the ‘new’ entity would be valued at $1.9 building based on today’s $39 million market cap.
Intellia Therapeutics, Inc. (NTLA)|$9 Billion Market Cap Mover.

Yes, this is truly groundbreaking. What news? A cure everything news – fatal liver problems, heart disease, hemophilia and what the hell, throw pulmonary hypertension in there too. No opinion other than “isn’t biotech investing grand?
The stock was $10 a year ago. Per the company, this is the first-ever clinical data supporting safety and efficacy of in vivo CRISPR genome editing in humans that is precisely editing target cells within the body to treat a genetic disease with a single intravenous infusion of a CRISPR therapy. Sweet. Read more.
QAD Inc. (QADB) | Old School Merger for $2 Billion

Not much to read here. “Over the past four decades, we’ve grown QAD from a locally sourced, one-person start-up to a leading, trusted global provider of ERP solutions. Today we are beginning our next chapter of growth,” said QAD Founder and President Pamela Lopker. “Since QAD’s founding in 1979, our customers, our technology and the manufacturing industry have evolved significantly – and, at every step, QAD has adapted swiftly to maintain and build our leadership position.”
Adding Ehave (EHVFF) $0.04 to Psychedelic Watch List.
Small Psychedelics start-up and incubator set the lauch four initiatives the year, including KetaDash – the Door Dash of Ketamine! Read more.
urban-gro (UGRO) $10.15 Marijuana’s First Fully Integrated Indoor Cultivation Powerhouse.
urban-gro announces its first major acquisition since raising $62 million in February and it’s a doozey! The inclusion of ‘architecture’ allows them to now offer its clients complete design capabilities for their cultivation, processing, extraction, and retail facilities. Read more.