The Robinhood of China? If They Liked it at $18, They’ve got to Love it at $4.00!

Older report (February 2021), but the basic premise remains unchanged. Which is the amazing size and growing wealth of China’s younger tech-savvy investors.
According to the Global Wealth Report from Credit Suisse, China is now home to the second largest amount of aggregate household wealth in the world (after the United States) at $42 trillion today and is estimated to exceed $200 trillion within a decade!
…and they love trading stocks, futures, indices and more.
UP Fintech Holding (TIGR) Q4 2021 Earnings Call Transcript

RELATED: New Report: Lion Group Holdings (LGHL) Initiating Coverage.
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As of the publication date of this report, Kerrisdale Capital Management LLC and its affiliates
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