Anoop Bhatia

AI and Machine Learning Start-Up Nowigence (NWGO) Announces Deal With EquiPPP Technologies (NSE: EQIPPP).

Nowigence CEO Anoop Bhatia was voted most innovative AI NLP Company CEO 2020.With over two decades in various GE companies across different...

‘Deleted’ Hunter Biden Laptop Material To Be Released, Whistleblower Flees to Switzerland

Interview with Internet Privacy Expert, Alain Ghiai, CEO of Sekur (SWISF)

Telehealth Watch List.

We Haven't Looked at the Telehealth Watch List for a Spell and we Were Very Surprised at the YTD Performance.

OMNIQ (OMQS) Graduates to NASDAQ. And Three Wall Street Research Reports Follow.

Wall Street Brokerage Price Target Estimates of $15 - $18 Per Share. Without disrupting legacy sales - CEO Shai...

OMNIQ (OMQS) to Begin Trading on NASDAQ

100% Here, 100% There, Pretty Soon it all Adds up. Our Sixth Client to Graduate to NASDAQ. Yes, some...

GBT (GTCH) Technologies Looking for Strategic Partners.

GBT Has Opened the Doors for Massive Potential in Minimal Infrastructure Communications. There are some Artificial Intelligence rocket-scientists...

Smile for the camera: the dark side of China’s emotion-recognition tech (AI)

Ordinary people here in China aren’t happy about this technology but they have no choice. If the police say there have to be cameras...
Danny Ritman

GBT Technologies (GTCH) Aims to Power Wearable GPS Tracker for Seniors.

GOPHER | GBT TECNOLOGIES GBT Technologies and GTX Corp. Enter into...
GBT Technologies, GTBC

Adding GBT Technologies (GTCH) to the Watch List.

Massive Potential From California Based Technology Think Tank. Yes, risky - as in...

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Zomedica (ZOMDF) Surges 40% Higher, Friday.

Stock Surges 40%, After Management Conference Call to Calm the Natives. Insider Buying Unleashed Today? Not...

And We Have a Trading Idea!

Adding Zomedica (ZOM, ZOMDF) $0.037 to Watch List. Our first 'publicly announced' trading idea, in what might be decades....

We’re Back! And We’re Adding (again), GeoVax (GOVX), the Alkaline Water Co (WTER) and...

GeoVax (GOVX) $1.64. Recent High $11.18 (BiotechStockReview) The Alkaline Water Co. (WTER) $0.09. Recent High $0.48 (BeverageStockReview)