Carbon Streaming Corp. (OFSTF)

Base Carbon Inc. (BCBNF)

Live Carbon Prices Today

The Carbon Strategy ETF (NYSE: KARB) is an actively managed exchange-traded fund that uses as a reference index, the Carbon Streaming BITA Compliance Index, which is a rules-based index that tracks the performance of the compliance carbon markets through an allocation into a series of carbon allowance futures.

However, these markets are mainly inaccessible to retail investors. The Carbon Strategy ETF allows individuals to gain exposure to the global compliance markets, to which they may have limited, if any, access and potential appreciation in carbon prices as the world aims to reach net-zero by 2050.

KARB Carbon Credit ETF Website

NEWS: Carbon Strategy ETF Launches on the NYSE with Ticker KARB to Provide Exposure to Global Compliance Carbon Markets

Appalachian Mountain Club

Soon to launch. This is a trillion sector in the making. Interesting in partnering or working with us – contact Roland Rick Perry, 310-594-8062 or email to Roland@InstitutionalAnalyst dot com