“Biotech, Beverages and Bears – Oh My!”
— Daniel K. McMahon

Headlines this week from winners in the past and just maybe, from some major winners in the future.
- Dyadic (DYAI) $6.00 Called a ‘Gamechanger’ – Gets $14 Price Target.
- Emerald Organic (EMOR) to License Therapeutics Portfolio for $100 Million.
- True Nature (TNTY) Readies Launch of Mitesco: “The Medtech Incubator”
- Fortress Bio (FBIO) $1.40 Gets $20 Price Target.
- Neighborhood Fuel | Fuel Delivery App Featured on NBC.
- Booster Raises $56 million to Deliver Fuel Directly to Cars.
- Tinley Beverage (TNY.CN, TNYBF.US) on a Tear? Up 50% in Past Month.
- 12 Million Bottling Plant Completed. Updating Coverage on Tinley (TNY, TNYBF) Beverage.
- The Alkaline Water Company (WTER) Conference Call.
- Alkaline Water Introduces New Flavored Line to Krogers.
- Hello P. Diddy & Mark Wahlberg. Alkaline Water to Aquire Aquahydrate, Guidance of $65 MIllion for 2020.
- Marijuana Bounce Portfolio – Top 20 Stocks for 2020.
- Top CBD Pure Plays for 2020.
- Adding Biome (BIO.CN, BIOIF) to MBP Portfolio.
- Adding Nass Valley (NVG.CN) to MBP Portfolio.
- Adding CLS Holdings (CLSH) to MBP Portfolio.
- Adding Charlotte’s Web (CWEB) to MBP Portfolio.
- Toxic Marijuana Financings, Shortsellers & Bears, Oh My!
Dyadic (DYAI) $6.00 Called a ‘Gamechanger’ – Gets $14 Price Target. We found this at $1.30 last year, it hit $7.00 and just got a $14 price target from one of Wall Street’s top Biotech analysts. Sweet. Read more.
Emerald Organic (EMOR) to License Therapeutics Portfolio for $100 Million. Emerald takes first step toward combining consumer cannabis-based products and FDA-regulated drugs to improve outcomes for patients. Read more.
True Nature (TNTY) Readies Launch of Mitesco: “The Medtech Incubator.” Here’s one worth following. Micro-cap with big ambitions says they are ready to launch an incubator that will build a portfolio of Medtech start-ups. This is a hot sector (if not the hottest) where many of the biggest medical related innovations are sourced from. Read more.
Fortress Bio (FBIO) $1.40 Gets $20 Price Target. We’ve been running the Biotech Stock Review since 2002 and it ain’t often you see a price target 10-fold higher from where a stock is currently trading. Read more.
We’ve come across some amazing ‘app-powered’ companies that are changing the way we get gas. While private, can these players change getting gas like Uber and Lyft changed the way hailing a cab? If they add a towed food-truck with Juhl and junk food, they may give 7-11 a run for their money! Read more.
Neighborhood Fuel | Fuel Delivery App Featured on NBC. Read more.
Booster | Raises $56 million to Deliver Fuel Directly to Cars. Read more.
Tinley Beverage (TNY.CN, TNYBF.US) on a Tear? Up 50% in Past Month. News of progress from Tinley Beverage (THC in a can) is coming out like from the end of a firehouse, here’s a time-saving recap to get up to speed. We’re begging ya, learn this story. Read more.
12 Million Bottling Plant Completed. Updating Coverage on Tinley (TNY, TNYBF) Beverage. We issued a new full report on Tinley after news that they completed a THC bottling plant in Los Angeles (which can white or private label for others) that can churn out 12 million bottles per year! It’s showtime folks. Read more.
The Alkaline Water Company (WTER) Conference Call. The share price has been a swim upstream for most of 2019 after a fast and furious run from $1.00 and change, to over $5.00 last year. If this ain’t the bottom at $1.40, we think it’s damn close and the best entry point at any time, since we’ve begun following it in 2015. Listen to their call next Wednesday. Read more.
Alkaline Water Introduces New Flavored Line to Krogers. “We are pleased that Kroger Houston requested our flavor-infused product as soon as it was available, which speaks volumes about the popularity and the overall quality of our brand.” We have been saying their flavored water has the full potential, if not greater as their plain water – which sold $10 million in the last quarter alone, This is how it starts, a true David vs. Goliath story in the making. Read more.
Hello P. Diddy, Mark Wahlberg and Jillian Michaels. Alkaline Water to Aquire Aquahydrate, Guidance up to $65 MIllion for 2020. Billionaires are now among the shareholders, for real.
“Yucaipa invested over $27 million in AQUAhydrate and investor Matthew Howison of Emerald Partners; as well as investors Sean ‘Diddy’ Combs and Mark Wahlberg, who have personally invested over $20 million into the development and growth of AQUAhydrate. Must Read More
Marijuana Bounce Portfolio – Top 20 Stocks for 2020.
Okay, here’s a fun project idea we came up with a couple of months ago. We have been waiting for a correction in the Marijuana sector like this. And now it’s as they say, no balls – no baskets time. “Be fearful when everyone is greedy and greedy when everyone is fearful.”
What we’re going to do this weekend is to create a ‘model-portfolio’ of 20 names with $5,000 assumed invested evenly in each name. Will the $100,000 portfolio be worth $150,000 this time next year, or $50,000? Only time will tell, but history has shown it’s better to bet with us, then against!
We’ve already added the following names:
Adding Tinley Beverage (TNY, TNYBF) to MBP Portfolio.
Adding Biome Grow (BIO.CN, BIOIF) to MBP Portfolio.
Adding Nass Valley Gateway (NVG.CN) to MBP Portfolio.
Adding CLS Holdings (CLSH) to MBP Portfolio.
Adding Charlotte’s Web (CWEB) to MBP Portfolio.
Read about all of the above on the Marijuana Stock Review website.
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