No Doubles Yet, But They’re Doing Rather Well, Considering Everything. Our Confidence Remains Unwavered. Best Performer up 63%.
Mitesco (MITI). Percolating, percolating, percolating.
1. Citius Pharma (CTXR). Percolating, percolating.
2. Dyadic International (DYAI). Percolating.
3. Fortress Biotech (FBIO). Percolating.
4. Dicerna Pharma (DRNA). Percolating.
5. Immunomedics (IMMU). Percolated (up 63%)!
Aphex BioCleanse Systems. Percolating, percolating, percolating.
But first, a plug for our favorite mini-cap stock, the mighty Mitesco (MITI) previously known as True Nature Holdings (TNTY). We found them shortly after they announced their intention to become an accelerator last November, but prior to their first acquisition.
Mitesco (MITI) $0.028. We’re up 54% in about five months (depending on the time of day). Not bad considering how many mini caps have melted in the downturn. The wind is at their back and blue skies are ahead (our opinion).
Mitesco is now described as an ‘accelerator,’ previously known an ‘incubator,’ which is pretty much the same thing – just a tad more fashionable. Investors including our readers made multi-billions in Internet incubators (CMGI, Rare Medium) back in the early 2000s, so we still favor the incubator moniker, but we’ll play along.
The bottom line with accelerators is to help startups – grow up, by improving there operations in a variety of areas including accounting, corporate structure, reporting, as well as introducing the startup to their ‘connections.’ Particularly in the financial connections arena, both on and off Wall Street. The concept is simple, the execution is where the potential big gains (and risk) lie.
In summary, Mitesco is, percolating, percolating and percolating and we expect to see coffee to come racing up in rather short order, now that they enlisted an investment banker to raise $15 million. The fire underneath is TeleHealth. And TeleHealth is currently undergoing a raging fire due to CoronaVirus – with investors in hunt mode. Shoot first, ask questions later style.

If after reading our upcoming report, if you want to play this – better play now because once the traders get ahold of it, there truly is no telling how fast or how far this could run – we feel it is prime for a premium valuation.
While Mitestco isn’t in our ‘Biotech 5 Pack’ the potential is nothing short mind-boggling (too small and nobody, we hope, plays penny stocks for a mere double – considering the risks).
The potential here in our opinion is ten-fold, if not considerably more. The market cap is under $3 million – and in light of their first acquisition into TeleHealth, plus being the only ‘other’ TeleHealth public pure-play, a $30 million valuation – is well with the realm of possibility, with any indication of their getting traction.
Teledoc (TDOC) the 800-pound Gorilla in the room is up 90% in the past year which is a $7 billion valuation gain, to $14 billion (what bear market). We can’t tell you how many times we were early in finding huge gains in ‘sympathy‘ plays (the next McDonalds, Monster Beverage, Tilray, Amgen, Facebook..etc) regardless if the ‘next’ play actually unfolded as anticipated.

So is Mitesco (MITI) the next ‘real’ TeleHealth play, or a mere sympathy wannabe?

If the team of the very top medical experts available they put together to run their TeleHealth and Independent Nurse Practitioner powered Medical Clinic division called MyCare LLC, is any indication, we say it’s officially ‘game on.’
Investors can watch by the sidelines and wait and see. Or strap on a set, and buy and see.
We have been engaged by the Company to ensure if they do gain traction, that every speculator we know (and many we don’t) will be aware of their progress. We can’t help a company succeed, but we can report on it if they do.
We plan on reporting Mitesco’s progress to the early and happy speculators in Teledoc, who decided to ‘buy and see’ back in 2016 when it was trading at $10 a share. Today they’re dancing a Tele-Jig video on Zoom (ZOOM), which also doubled since January. We believe these investors may want to know what Mitesco is planning and who is running it.
Back in 2016, Teledoc was something of a joke with most wait and see investors thinking TeleHealth was like the Jetsons and decades from widespread acceptance. The company did its IPO at $19, opened at $28, and then drifted to $10 before its march to near $200 in three years.
Mitesco’s plans are very real, the ambitions very high – and as we said before, any signs of their getting traction could dramatically send share price higher. With a triple-barreled effect coming from a) being in one of the hottest sectors of the market – which we believe will last years, b) being the only other publicly traded pure-play in TeleHealth, and c) the fact that there simply isn’t enough Mitesco stock to go around – so things could get interesting fast.
Most importantly the folks they put together to run the show – have done it before (they sold QuickMedex / Minute Clinic to CVS for $170 million). Read more about MyCare team Howe, Hafner-Fogarty, Smith and Woody Woodburn.
They’ve set the bar high for Mitesco and they didn’t come out for game II to be moderately successful. No, significant results won’t come in a few months. But give it a year or two and we think the team running this, is eventually what investors will look back to – as that ‘sign’ that shouldn’t have been ignored.
Consumer preferences are changing and shifting toward convenient (and safer) healthcare will be a powerful trend.
Teledoc which charged $40 a TeleVisit and did 300,000 visits in 2014, just reported an “unprecedented surge in demand for its services” and that it’s been averaging more than 20,000 virtual medical visits – every day in March. And it’s not just existing members using the service, as over 60% of visits are from new users who have not used the platform in the past.
If you like the idea (report out before Friday), and after you attempt to acquire a meaningful position ($10,000 would be hard), you might recommend your friends subscribe to the Biotech Stock Review so they can read about it too. Or if it’s too small for them or already moved too much, share the list below which we are highly optimistic about.
To fuel their growth, they just announced a $15 million raise (non-convertible preferred yielding 10%) via CIM Securities. If you would like to learn more about the offering call their investment Banker, Jack Meyers in San Diego at 619-749-2460.
Biotech 5 Pack. 5 Biotech Stocks We Expect to Double in 2020.
As originally reported: 5 Biotech Stocks We Expect to Double in 2020.
1. Citius Pharma (CTXR). Percolating, percolating.
Citius Pharma $1.00. While we are up close to a double since adding it to the Watch List (last November @ $0.53) and we are even from the ‘Double in 2020’ call. Again, not bad considering..
Citius twice gained near 30-40% since the beginning of the year which why we say it’s percolating, percolating. There is big news (on Mino-Lok) in the near future – before the year is out – and a new element of interest has been added, which is a treatment for CoronaVirus Acute Respiratory Distress. This is one of the most exciting companies we have ever come across, it’s easy to understand and, closely-held by insiders. If we had to say which of our five for 2020 was our safest speculation (all biotechs are fraught with risk) we would have to say this is it.

Citius had two huge moves with massive volume, 13 million shares the day they announced Corona/ARDS partnership with Boston based Novellus, and 9 million shares just the other day – on news of submitting with the FDA.
What all this volatility and volume mean to us is quite simple. Despite these past volume flurries coming from ‘fast-money,’ which comes out just as fast as it goes in, there could be 100’s of retail investors (they already have a nice institutional roster of investors) who could return, on Mini-Lok related news and stay in.
On Wall Street, there are ‘pre’-approval investors (us – lol), the ‘day of’ approval investors, and investors who come in ‘post’-approval – when they start to estimate how much a company can actually earn when commercialization starts. The size and dollars controlled by these less speculative post-approval investors dwarves the amount of the day-traders control – who are often only staying around long enough to make a few $1,000 ‘flipping.’
So mark our words, positive news from the FDA on Mino-Lok will not go un-noticed. It could spark a run in the share price, leaving the daytraders regretting they sold for a flip, for years, and years to come. Mark our words.
Read our original report. Come up with your own numbers by multiplying the amount of money Citius will charge for saving a life (by sidestepping catheter replacement) times the number of catheters typically replaced each year.
Dawson James (broker/dealer) report with $7.00 price target.
Then compare that to the Citius market capitalization of only $37 million and remember that insider own 45%, so favorable news from the FDA – in our opinion – could commence a feeding frenzy unlike you’ve ever seen before. We are handing this to you on a silver platter. No, FDA approval is not assured, but if they do get it, oh boy. Look out!

Not impervious to indiscriminate selling, traded as low as $0.60 this year.
While we can’t do your homework for you, we can offer up their most recent PowerPoint, which is a good place to start.

2. Dyadic International (DYAI). Percolating.
Orinally added to the Watch List at $1.30 couple years back, Dyadic is unchanged ($0.01 higher lol) from the ‘5 for 2020’ price at $5.91.
We are of the opinion they could become a major target of Corona traders, once they figure out Dyadic could be the difference between vaccines being produced at insignificant levels (say one million) versus truly scalable (10’s if not 100’s of millions).
Dyadic’s C1 microorganism, enables the development and large scale manufacture of low-cost proteins, has the potential to be further developed into a safe and efficient expression system that may help speed up the development, lower production costs and improve the performance of biologic vaccines and drugs at flexible commercial scales.
Really complex and with so many irons in the fire, we’ll endevour an update sometime in the not too distant future.

Not impervious to indiscriminate selling, traded as low as $2.50 intraday in March.
We’re doing a road trip from Palm Beach to Tampa to Chicago. We’ll finish the update on Fortress (FBIO), Dicerna (DRNA), and Immunomedics (IMMU) tomorrow.
Immunomedics is up 63% and we are significantly raising our original price potential target, post-approval from the FDA. Yes, the market capitalization increased by over $3 billion after Goldman Sachs gave it a double downgrade (lmao) in April knocking it down to $9.34.
To get an idea of what we’re thinking, look at the market capitalization of competing Seattle Genetics (SGEN) which at $137 is valued at $23 billion.
And don’t forget we found Immunomedics at $3.00 – after it had traded sideways for 20+ years. So who are you going to listen to, Goldman Sachs, the short-sellers, or us?
One can say we handed this too on a silver platter, to investors. Scroll down to find out about our latest silver platter idea.

We are en route to our favorite CoronaVirus play and client, Aphex BioCleanse Systems, which is completing a spanking new production facility to produce a hand-sanitizer solution. (we’ll take pictures) It’s just North of Tampa.
The great news is they are near announcing a 506c offering for qualified investors. This means our readers may soon have an opportunity to invest in the absolute hottest sector in the healthcare market – sanitizers and disinfectants.
We use the product every day and it is the best hand sanitizer available (we studied the third party test reports) – created by some genius scientists, who once worked at Eastman Kodak in Rochester, NY. It’s also being formulated for institutional use, such as for use in hospitals, hotels, and medical facilities, which can be dispensed via commercial sprayers as the Marriott international recently announced.

Call Peyton Jackson at 585-386-0990 to get on the offering waiting list. This could be our best idea ever, and we have found some great ideas in the past 40 years. We’ve seen a thing or two, so we know a thing or two.
A client (we own private shares), we’re hoping their potential success and their potential to totally disrupt the alcohol-based sanitizer market, will buy us a huge Yacht in the next five years. Before we’re too old to enjoy it. We’ll send pictures of champagne popping and bikinis – the whole nine yards if this works as expected (our expectations).
We urge you to read our initial report – we’ll be coming out with another – with updated information, after visiting their new production facility.
Read: Aphex BioCleanse Systems. Our Favorite CoronaVirus Story.
We are so happy we found the scientist behind this incredible technology (actually they found us) we are beside ourselves. Of course luck plays a good part, meeting them at the same time pandemic starts. What are the odds?

Clients mentioned, see respective reports for disclosure and disclaimer details.