We’re Up 181% on Citius Pharma (CTXR), Despite its Being Well Below it’s Recent High of $4.30. We Now Have Two $10 Price Targets.
Adding Citius (CTXR) $0.55 to Watch List.
While we don’t issue price targets, we have no disagreement with either their projections or reasoning. At $10, we would be up 1,718% and that ain’t bad! At $5.50, we will have our 14th, 10-bagger client. We could be there, before the year is out, as Mino-Lok is well into its Phase III trial for its lead candidate.
HC Wainwright has a $6.00 target, see all below.

North Shore Research: Citius: 2022 Is A Year Of Catalysts. Price Target $10.
The market potential for an effective antibiotic lock therapy (“ALT”) is estimated at $750 million per year in the U.S. and is projected to reach $1.84 billion globally in 2028.
We believe a valuation of $10 is prudent. The valuation is based on a therapeutic models and associated assumptions projected to 2028. The lead product, Mini-Lok, is now in a Phase 3 trial, as is E7777. We use a 30% risk rate in our free cash flow, our discounted EPS, and sum-of-the-parts models on top of a 15% risk rate in our therapeutic models for both products. (March 28, 2022)
Dawson James. OnTak Phase 3 (Bridge Study) Shows Consistency, Price Target $10.00
Citius announced topline results from the P3 trial of I/ONTAK (E7777) that
demonstrated consistency with prior formulations. This clears the path for Citius to file a biologics license application (BLA) with the FDA in the second half of 2022. (April 6, 2022)
HC Wainwright Raises Citius Pharmaceuticals Price Target to $6.00
Citius Pharmaceuticals (NASDAQ:CTXR) had its price objective increased by stock analysts at HC Wainwright from $4.00 to $6.00 in a report released on Tuesday, Stock Target Advisor reports. The firm currently has a “buy” rating on the stock. HC Wainwright’s target price suggests a potential upside of 280.95% from the stock’s previous close. (Jan 22, 2022)
Client, see report for disclosure and disclaimer details.
New Report: Citius Pharma (CTXR) Now Our #1 Ranked Idea for 2020.