St Health Capital Investment Corporation is delighted to announce Dr. Robert GW Brown FAPS, FIEE, FInstP, MAE as a key new member to our board of directors.
Dr. Brown was formerly, a Board Member at the American Institute of Physics (AIP), AIP Publishing Treasurer, and Vice Chairman of the Tesla Foundation Board.

Dr. Brown led the American Institute of Physics (AIP) as Chief Executive Officer. The AIP comprises around 120,000 scientists in total. Previously, Dr. Brown led technically the Nano plasmonic research activities at Rockwell Collins Advanced Technology Center.
He has also served as Executive Director of the UK Institute of Physics, and Head of Opto-electronics Research and Development for Sharp Laboratories of Europe. His scientific & technical specialties are lasers, photonics, nanotechnology, and photonic-medicine.
At the UK Ministry of Defence’s ‘Royal Radar Establishment’ in Malvern, England, Dr. Brown was responsible for inventing new detector, electronic correlator, APD photodetector, laser-diode, liquid-crystal display, and optical-fiber technologies that have since been developed into successful products for experiments involving jet engines, macromolecules, US submarines, and aboard the Space Shuttle. He holds 55 Patents and has published over 120 peer-reviewed research papers in various scientific journals.
Dr. Brown won the UK MoD Prize for “Outstanding Technology Transfer” and a Sharp Corporation (Japan) Prize for novel laser diode invention. His UK Institute of Physics team collected the Queen’s Award for Enterprise in 2000 at Buckingham Palace, London.
He is an Adjunct Full Professor in the prestigious Beckman Laser Institute and Medical Clinic, and is a Visiting Professor in the Department of Computer Science, at the University of California, Irvine. Previously he was CTO at Ostendo Technologies, in Carlsbad, California, a specialist displays company.
He is an elected member of the European Academy of the Sciences and Arts (Academia Europaea), and a Special Professor at the University of Nottingham in the UK. He is a Fellow of the American Physical Society, at the UK Institute of Physics, and the Institute of Electronic Engineers.
He is also Editor-in-Chief of the “Handbook of Optoelectronics” published by CRC Press. He was co-Editor-in-Chief of the CRC Press Book Series in “Optics and Optoelectronics”. He has been co-Chairman of the OSA’s International Photon Correlation Conference four times, and editor of subsequent related special issues of Applied Optics.
He has served as a consultant to many companies and government research centers in the USA and UK, most notably on NASA’s Microgravity Experimental Advisory Board and on the UK Home Office (Homeland Security Department equivalent) Science and Technology Reference Committee.
Dr. Brown has extensive business experience in China, Japan, Russia, and South Korea, as well as in the USA and EU.
Given his highly accomplished background, Dr. Brown brings tremendous insight and experience, which will be highly valuable to achieving the innovation and global strategies for which StHealth will be involved with.
For more information on Dr. Brown or any of our St Health Corporate members, the company at: [email protected]