New Management Team Outlines Enormous Potential

New Management Comes Out Swinging.

Past performance of other companies added to Institutional Analyst’s various newsletters orotherwise mentioned in its research reports, newsletters or communication is no indication offuture performance of any current of future companies mentioned.This publication is aCorporate Profile on behalf ofCopyTele (COPY) Incand may not be construed as investmentadvice. This profile does not provide an analysis of the Company’s financial position and is not asolicitation to purchase or sell securities of the Company. Readers should consult their ownfinancial advisors with respect to investment in this or any company covered by the Reviews.An independent financial analyst should verify all of the information contained in this profilewith the profiled company. Institutional Analyst, Inc. the parent company of thePatent andInternetStock Review is an investment research and public relations firm, which has beencompensated byCOPYfor investor and public relations servicesincluding but not limited to thisreport. Institutional Analyst, Inc., or principals of, has entered into a contract withCOPYand hasbeen compensated with five hundred thousand restricted shares and twenty-five hundreddollars per month. In preparing this profile, the Publisher has relied upon information receivedfrom the company, which although believed to be reliable, cannot be guaranteed. This profile isnot an endorsement of the shares of the company by the publisher. The publisher is notresponsible for any claims made by the company. You should independently investigate andfully understand all risks before investing in this and any company profiled or covered by thepublisher. The majority of companies listed on the OTC Bulletin Board have factors, whichcreate an uncertainty about their ability to continue as a going concern. These concerns aretypically related to financing (or lack of), competitive environments, lack of operating historyand operating at loss levels which is typical of most start-ups. These statements can be found intheir most recent 10Q filings and should most definitely be read. Safe Harbor Statement underthe Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995: The statements which are nothistoricalfacts contained in this profile are forward looking statements that involve certain risks anduncertainties including but not limited to risks associated with the uncertainty of futurefinancial results, additional financing requirements, development of new products or services,government approval processes, the impact of competitive products or pricing, technologicalchanges, the effect of economic conditions and other un