Home Superbug News - CoronaVirus Watch List Telehealth DTC Startup Ro is now Offering Coronavirus Assessments (ModernRetail).

Telehealth DTC Startup Ro is now Offering Coronavirus Assessments (ModernRetail).

Ro — a DTC telehealth company for everything from erectile dysfunction to helping quit smoking — has a new service aimed at the coronavirus outbreak.

Launched Friday, Ro is offering a free digital assessment specifically related to COVID-19. People who think they’ve contracted the illness can answer questions about their symptoms and then, if deemed necessary, Ro will connect them with a doctor who will provide a free video consultation. “Our goal is to triage patients, educate the public, and collect structured anonymized healthcare data,” wrote co-founder Zachariah Reitano on Twitter while announcing the new service. Modern Retail reached out to Ro for comment but did not make an executive available for comment or answer a series of questions by press time.

While Ro bills itself a telehealth company, viral contagions have historically not been its focus. 

Read the full article here.

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